
Ripple blockchain library for Python.


  1. Async JSON-RPC client.

  2. Signing and verifying transactions using private and public keys.

  3. Support for signing transactions with multiple keys.

  4. Serializer and deserializer for Ripple objects.

Getting Started

This guide step-by-step explains how to use aioxrpy library to submit your first transaction. Complete example is available at the end of this chapter. Before we begin, please make sure that you have a rippled node running in stand-alone mode with RPC port exposed and that aioxrpy package is installed.

On macOS:

$ docker run -d --name ripple-regtest -p 5005:5005 ulamlabs/ripple-regtest
$ pip install aioxrpy

Submitting your first transaction

When running Ripple in stand-alone mode, a new genesis ledger is created. A hardcoded genesis address holds all 100 billion XRP. Let’s start by initializing a RippleKey object using master seed for that address:

master = RippleKey(private_key='snoPBrXtMeMyMHUVTgbuqAfg1SUTb')

For a Ripple account to be active, it needs to be funded with minimum reserve amount. If you’re submitting your transaction against a regtest node, the minimum amount is 200 XRP. You won’t be able to spend it as it must remain on your account for it to remain active.

Let’s generate the keys for our new account:

destination = RippleKey()

You can initialize a RippleKey instance with either a public, private key or none. With just a public key, you can’t sign a transaction, but you can verify a transaction signature. Private key accepts either a master seed to derive the key from or a private key itself.

Ripple transaction is essentially an action executed on the blockchain. A type of action is determined by TransactionType field. This can be either a payment, change to the account (ex. changing the keys, nickname and parameters). If a transaction creates a new object on the ledger, reserve amount will be increased. On genesis ledger, that amount is 50 XRP per object.

Transaction object needs to contain at least these fields:

  • Fee - transaction fee, in drops,

  • Account - account you’re sending the funds from,

  • Sequence - determines an order in which transactions should be submitted,

  • SigningPubKey - specifies public key transaction was signed with. In case of multi-signed transaction, it’s still required but it should be left empty.

  • TransactionType - type of transaction.

While Flags field is optional, it’s recommended to pass tfFullyCanonicalSig value. This protects the transaction from a malicious actor being able to modify the signature. The issue is more thoroughly explained here.

Depending on a transaction type, additional fields might be required. Let’s focus on a payment in this example.

  • Amount - amount of XRP (in drops) or issued currency sent in this transaction,

  • Destination - address which will receive these funds.

Depending on whether the transaction is signed by a single or multiple keys you need to also pass one of these fields:

  • TxnSignature - signature for transaction in case of single signature,

  • Signers - contains a list of signer objects, sorted by account ID (account name in binary format).

RPC class contains helper methods (sign_and_submit, multisign_and_submit) that will sign and submit it to the node for you. These will also set Sequence field for you.

rpc = RippleJsonRpc('http://localhost:5005')
reserve = await rpc.get_reserve()
fee = await rpc.fee()

tx = {
    'Account': master.to_account(),
    'Flags': RippleTransactionFlags.FullyCanonicalSig,
    'TransactionType': RippleTransactionType.Payment,
    'Amount': decimals.xrp_to_drops(reserve.base),
    'Destination': destination.to_account(),
    'Fee': fee.minimum

# post TX blob to rippled JSON-RPC
result = await rpc.sign_and_submit(tx, master)

result should contain the response from RPC node if transaction was successfully submitted. Otherwise, the last line will throw an exception.

Example code

Complete example code:

import asyncio

from aioxrpy import decimals
from aioxrpy.definitions import RippleTransactionType, RippleTransactionFlags
from aioxrpy.keys import RippleKey
from aioxrpy.rpc import RippleJsonRpc

async def example():
    rpc = RippleJsonRpc('http://localhost:5005')
    reserve = await rpc.get_reserve()
    fee = await rpc.fee()

    master = RippleKey(private_key='snoPBrXtMeMyMHUVTgbuqAfg1SUTb')
    destination = RippleKey()

    tx = {
        'Account': master.to_account(),
        'Flags': RippleTransactionFlags.FullyCanonicalSig,
        'TransactionType': RippleTransactionType.Payment,
        'Amount': decimals.xrp_to_drops(reserve.base),
        'Destination': destination.to_account(),
        'Fee': fee.minimum

    # post TX blob to rippled JSON-RPC
    result = await rpc.sign_and_submit(tx, master)
